Friday, July 5, 2024

Well My Goodness!

 We had a fairly strong norther for the time of year move in last evening, and some rather strong storms, such that the McKenzie park orgy of fireworks had to be cancelled, and I can only imagine the traffic jam as the rain poured down, with masses of people trying to exit the area. My wife and I were caught in that jam back in 2013, and it took us hours to get home. Every road was bumper to bumper. Once was enough for us, and we weren't even IN the park, but on a hillside above the park. The fireworks were very enjoyable that night, but we never tried it again. I got quite a lot of rain but no hail. And the north breeze this morning is cool and fresh, very nice after triple digits. 

Yeah, let nations be destroyed, along with their malignant deities. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th

Let nations be destroyed, and their idols smashed. It looks to be hot today again, maybe with better rain chances, and heat relief tomorrow. I hope. The forecasts keep changing, as usual. 

 Pray for rain! Heh, heh. What IS Uri Geller up to these days??

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Yes, we got a pretty good rain last night, and things were nice and wet this morning. Our rain chances are ramping up day by day, and the high pressure system that made us bake recently is breaking down. Drastic changes for Friday and the next week looks to be quite pleasant. Some forecasters are giving us a 40% chance of storms on July 4th. In the future we still have hurricane Beryl which might spell peril for the Texas coast. The storm has a nasty habit of intensifying very rapidly. Keep an eye on that. Beryl. Peril?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Will Our Heatwave End?

 Yes it will, but when? Maybe in a couple of days if you can believe the forecasts. I hope they are right. Maybe that monster hurricane in the gulf will push our high pressure dome elsewhere. Maybe it will send up waves of moisture and give us heavy rains. Extreme south Texas might be in for a beating. As usual, one wonders. 

My own little wild kingdom prospers. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Nothing But The Weather

 It continues to be quite hot but the new hurricane might send a surge of moisture our way. I hope so. I would like that very much. From time to time I check the blog stats to see what sort of traffic I get. Last month I had many visitors from Israel, or at least bots from there, and I see now that this traffic has ceased. I should have said what Lenny Bruce is said to have said, as his mental state deteriorated, "No, No, I am NOT the messiah". Look elsewhere. Look in the cabbage patches, and under lettuce leaves, for the messiah might be hiding there. But there is no messiah hiding HERE. Good luck. You'll need it. 

Perhaps the messiah will say, "Take this job and shove it"?