Electric competition in Texas. What a hassle, courtesy of our governor. I can't see this as anything other than a profound screw-up. I'm sure that nobody is enjoying this crap, trying to sort through that laundry list of providers and their plans. I like municipal power generation. I like the public sector. Competition is wasteful and inefficient and chaotic. I have yet to encounter any provider with good reviews for anything like pricing and customer service. These providers appear to me to be sharks, and, if so, we are going to be their prey. And if Texas consumers turn into shark bait, who do we have to thank? Abbott, that's who. Truly, I loathe that self-serving politico. I trust him about as far as I'd trust a TV evangelist. I guess I'll go with the biggest company with the longest track record, but I expect higher rates and poor service, no matter what I do. And some of these companies appear to be subsidiaries, resulting from mergers and private equity deals. We're going to be royally screwed. I'm pretty sure of that. Does old Abbott give a damn about Texas consumers?? I don't think so. I think, if it's not money or power, it doesn't even register on Abbott's radar. I hope this crap costs him the next election. But are Texans even smart enough to throw the bum out? Probably not. Texans had to be stupid to vote for him in the first place.
On the other hand, if I have a GOOD experience, I'll describe it. And if I have a BAD experience, I'll describe THAT. Time will tell.