Slowly we leave triple digit territory and enjoy cooler mornings.
Apart from the weather, it is that blessed Same Old Same Old. SOSO! Novelty? Adventure? "New horizons"? Change? I think not.
This blog is an ARTISTIC regional photo journal. I focus on mundane scenes. ANY AND ALL STATEMENTS I MAKE HERE ARE MY OPINONS ONLY! I OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER AS A STATEMENT OF FACT! The photographs are offered as ARTISTIC EXPRESSION ONLY! They are not representative of anything other than themselves. Most of the places mentioned here have surely changed substantially since they were visited. Check my list of recommended sites at the bottom of this blog!
Slowly we leave triple digit territory and enjoy cooler mornings.
But that seasonal roller coaster is cranking up. Now temps decline, slowly, gradually, before they rise again, but we do approach seasonal change, and that is encouraging. That's the sort of change I can enjoy, but otherwise, other kinds of changes, I try to avoid. SOSO is wonderful! Routine is wonderful! Staying within the confines of my own little world is wonderful! I no longer have any need to travel and that actually feels like an incredible luxury. Packing is terrible. Being in transit from one place to another is terrible. Being away from HOME is terrible. Unpacking is terrible! Taking care of all the little things that were neglected while I was away is terrible! Never again! AHHHH!
It was 107 F yesterday, beating the old record for that date, of 104 F. By the way I wish we were on the metric system. The country was just too full of half-wit trash to make the transition. I remember an interview with a local "cowboy". Who cares what a senile cowpoke thinks? Oh well, life, such as it is in this global insane asylum, goes on. The beat goes on, the heat goes on, and the beep goes on. I am re-reading a biography of Philip K. Dick and I'm re-reading Martin Gardner's "Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science", an excellent book that should be in every school library.
I wish we could get some of that stuff they're having out west. It'll extend into the southwest but not quite far enough for us. Darn.
The respite was brief but very welcome. Now back to reality. Soaring temps and it looks like extreme heat continues right into September.