The sooner that stuff melts the better. Mornings are rather cold but we have plenty of sunshine and daytime highs are improving. Yesterday the sunlight was diluted by high, hazy, clouds, but not today. I've been reading about fungi that can infect the brains of certain insects, altering their behavior in the interest of spreading more fungi spores, to infect more hosts. Zombie fungi are a real thing, and a science fiction movie has used the premise that a zombie fungus evolves to infect humans, turning the hosts into-- zombies, who go on to infect other humans. And it occurred to me that such a thing already exists, in many forms. We call those infectious diseases religions. Certain belief systems can function like pathogenic fungi, turning their hosts into zombie-like infectious agents, creating yet more zombies. Far-fetched? I see at least a strong analogy.
The good news is that the damage is reversible. Many people can and do recover from such infections, and go on to live happy and healthy and productive lives. And they might continue to practice a religion, but not in a pathogenic form.