Saturday, October 15, 2022

New Covid Variants

 New variants are appearing all the time and this disease is here to stay. I expect to be getting yet another booster next year. I avoid crowds and limit contact with others. I know people who've not been vaccinated at all, who've recovered from a hospital stay with "long Covid" who still refuse to be vaccinated. They are going to be vulnerable to the new variants. Getting it again will only wear them down more. I simply don't understand being afraid of a vaccine. But so many human beings are some  combination of irrational and dim-witted, they are hopeless. Just think of all the trumpturds still wearing their silly hats. Think of all the hand-waving evangelicals out there, waiting to be "beamed up". What humanity needs, I think, is a massive IQ boost. But there are such things as crazy smart people-- what can you do, eh? What can one do? It's the nature of the beast. What can you expect from a pack of bipedal talking apes? I'm one of those sad creatures, like it or not. But at least I KNOW that I'm an evolutionary freak. That helps me maintain a sort of ironic distance.

Sometimes I have a kind of waking dream episode when I work out really hard. Had one of those yesterday. Very annoying. I can function but it isn't comfortable. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

No Reaction

 No problem at all with my recent flu shot and the bivalent booster, taken on the same day. One in each arm, of course. Worked out normally the next day. No soreness. Felt fine. 

The anti-vaccination people are complete and total idiots. They are surely as deranged as any trumptard, and that's deranged enough to be dangerous. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

It's A Sad Fact

 Even on this gorgeous October day, there are, as always, many, many, people who need to be avoided because their brains are diseased and overflowing with toxic bullshit. It is distressing to engage most people in any but the most superficial and perfunctory conversations. As soon as you go beyond that, in so many cases, it's down the rabbit hole. And it makes me sad. Then it's necessary to turn off the nonsense, somehow disengage, end that conversation, and hope never to encounter that person again. In a town like Lubbock, in a state like Texas, rational and thoughtful people will have to be more than a little aloof. There are just too many crazies running around. Fortunately for me, I've never been a "people person". I feel rather sorry for "people who need people"-- I think their lives turn out to be more than a little complicated and screwed up.

Religious people can be some of the creepiest specimens out there. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

More Clear Skies Today

 A significant cold front is on the way, however. It's that time of year. I need to mention that yesterday I got my third booster, the bivalent for the latest variants, and also a flu shot. No problems with either one. I've heard that a new variant does not respond to any known therapy, including anti-body therapy, and is very contagious, but that the bivalent booster provides protection. That was reason enough to to do it. 

I always have a few things to do, and I guess that is good. This needs attention and then that needs attention, and some other things need attention, and on and on it goes. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Clear Skies Today

 Clear skies and lots of sunshine give us a chance to dry out. Very important. I had to negotiate flooded intersections yesterday.