Friday, July 29, 2022

Nothing But Sunflowers

 I can't go wrong with that. 

There are times when I really need to chill out. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Sunflowers For A Change

 It's been a bit depressing lately-- that human farce/tragedy thing, so why not sunflowers?

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A New Post

 Blogging is like making a fence, one post at a time. Blogs are old-fashioned. That's why I like them.

But I don't like the way the interface is occasionally a bit glitchy. But maybe I'm the glitchy one. Having been forced to switch from 3G to 4G, I find that 4G sucks. I had better service with 3G. A lot of changes seem to be driven by greed. Make the old obsolete so that corporate vampires can hustle a new product. One would like to take an iron rod to the corporate fascist empires of the world and smash them like pottery. Those old radical dreams die hard. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Newer Post

 This stuff, where was it? Sometimes I don't remember just exactly where we were. Or where I was. 

The internet has done a great job of empowering village idiots, like the QANON cultists, who would be mere isolated psychos without the power of the net. The internet illustrates how toxic the human brain actually is. Let enough people communicate freely and widely, and see lunacy spread like a viral disease. It's not for nothing that we say of some crap on the net that it has "gone viral". 

Monday, July 25, 2022

New Post

 A new post in the land of scams. And rip-offs. There's a scam and a rip-off to meet every human need. 

Not to mention all the goof-balls and nut cases running around loose, descendants of goof-balls and nut cases over several generations, perpetuating goofiness right down to the present day. It could not have been otherwise. That's how it works. Sometimes it's funny but most of the time not. Goofy is OK as long as it's benign. Goofy structures time. And that's very important! Time structuring is at the core of human activity. But maybe we should see it for what it is, and not take it so very seriously.