Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Heat Relief?

Hot until Sunday but then heat relief, and maybe even rain chances? Could be. I wonder what happens when Lake Mead finally cannot provide water to the many millions who depend on it. Most of the Colorado River water is used for agriculture. When that source goes...

 But let's just focus on Lubbock and the little towns and small cities surrounding Lubbock. The core of MY world is within a radius of only a few miles. Rarely do I, or will I, venture beyond those bounds-- rarely do I HAVE to. Human civilization is a sad, sick, non-sustainable joke. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Back To Normal

No more spikey mikey stuff. I get nervous when I get a lot of page views. It can't be good. I do this for my amusement, for the most part, and out of nostalgia. My life is all about nostalgia. 

 It's good to be old and HEALTHY. And, so far, I'm healthy. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

An Inexplicable Spike

 This blog had an abnormal number of views a few days ago. It isn't very popular. How could it be? But the spike was brief. Hacking attempts? Why bother? 

Things seem to have calmed back down. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Not So Bad Yesterday

 It's a little more seasonal, anyway. More new pics. When they will appear I do not know. Why rush? Why hurry? For that matter, why worry?

Besides, I like revising and revisiting this old stuff. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Not Too Bad This Weekend

 Juneteenth, and that really is something to celebrate. I'd put that right up there with Labor Day. Not quite on a par with Halloween, but NOTHING tops Halloween. And so we continue, and I accumulate many new pics. None of these are new. They are closer looks at old subjects and a nostalgia trip. 

68 F was our morning low, and that felt really good. I was up early enough to appreciate it. Early to bed and early to rise, and all that good stuff. Another prominent Lubbock businessman/con-artist is about to bite the dust, with an SEC investigation underway and assets frozen. I'm sure there are many more dirt bags in town. Maybe this guy will name names and bring down associates. There must be accountants in town who concealed his Ponzi scheme. Bring 'em down! Slash and burn!