Yes, again, getting close to the end of a photo series. Don't know where I will go next, but have a lot of garden photos to fill the gaps.
Maybe I should try Coyote Candle again. There might be some new stuff there.
I'll have to think about it. Many places are still off limits for emotional reasons.
I've always wanted to do this. Variations of the same thing.
All of a sudden I'm reminded of Andy Warhol. I didn't start off thinking in terms of a tribute. I don't think this is. This evening I ought to listen to some old Velvet Underground and Lou Reed. "Gonna KILL-- KILL your SONS!" That would make a nice trumptard death cult mantra as school starts. They'll kill your daughters, too. Sooner or later the trumptards will kill themselves, and that can't happen too soon.
There. I did it. And not a minute too soon. More next time, but not this again.
Got a lot of hits from Russia, of all places, yesterday. Probably hacking attempts. My passwords are fiendish-- based on the Kabbalah. Guess any one of my passwords and you die an agonizing death.
There's nothing like an outdoor bath on a blazing hot Texas day. Bring your own water, if you can find any.
This gives a sense of where we are. More next time.
What a great location. Almost got a pack of semi-wild and very large dogs sicced on me by a homeless person who looked like Jesus, except he was wearing filthy levies and nothing else. Probably psychotic as well. I take a lot of risks getting these pics. I know I've shown up on security cameras.
But the satisfaction in finding and photographing REAL THINGS makes risk worthwhile. Real HUMBLE things!
It looks like our governor is finally starting to see the light. But a lot of Texans are the kinds of assholes who wouldn't see the light if you tossed them head first into a bonfire. If Texas goes into another lockdown, you can blame the assholes.
A good place to be, when living in an age of billionaire half-wits, like Cruella DeVos. Idiots with money, and all the power that comes with money. Very dangerous. Very crazy. Nothing like that among these simple things.
Looking at the current administration, clearly, we have another example of how the shit floats to the top.
The heat simmers on. The science behind global warming is beyond dispute, unless you just don't grasp the science. Denial of reality is the one thing all conservatives have in common. In fact, denial is the defining characteristic of a conservative. Deny climate science, deny any and every science, deny reason, deny history-- and live in a counterfactual world. That's a good way to commit suicide. Reality CRUSHES fantasy. COVID provides a great example of that.