A good place to be, when living in an age of billionaire half-wits, like Cruella DeVos. Idiots with money, and all the power that comes with money. Very dangerous. Very crazy. Nothing like that among these simple things.
Looking at the current administration, clearly, we have another example of how the shit floats to the top.
The heat simmers on. The science behind global warming is beyond dispute, unless you just don't grasp the science. Denial of reality is the one thing all conservatives have in common. In fact, denial is the defining characteristic of a conservative. Deny climate science, deny any and every science, deny reason, deny history-- and live in a counterfactual world. That's a good way to commit suicide. Reality CRUSHES fantasy. COVID provides a great example of that.
Ahhh! And I see more people around here wearing masks. Could sanity be contagious? If so, that is one of the few things that needs to be contagious.
If I expand the garden, as I plan to do next spring, I will need to get some stuff like this to put in that space.
Prairie dogs I do NOT need. All of Lubbock is becoming Prairie Dog Town!
That's all for now. Stay healthy. Do the right things. Think of others.
The humble things of Lubbock in humble views. Time to get back to that, since I had an opportunity to take a few pics again. I'll save the remaining shots of the garden for later.
This is what we have for scenery here, and I like it. It isn't confusing, for one thing. Simple.
And here are simple things around town. Somebody went to the trouble of preserving this humble stuff. I like that too.
These are just overviews. Later I'll be zooming in. I took a lot of photos here, and I could have taken many more. And in the future I plan to return, and zoom in even closer than I did this time.
By the way, now that Florida has become such a COVID hotspot, I'm looking forward to the RNC there. I hope they go in in full denial mode, NO social distancing, NO masks. Close contact. Thousands of Republicans mingling and spreading the disease among themselves. Then go back home! Spread it among your conservative friends, your conservative communities, your families. Pretend it's all a hoax. Pretend COVID isn't real. Go back to your red states with a full viral load. The smart people will be distancing and wearing masks, taking intelligent precautions. The smart people in your home states will treat you like the plague carriers you'll be. And please don't whine when you get sick. And please don't go to a hospital. Stay home. Die there. Doctors and nurses have better things to do than treat idiots. There are people who DESERVE care.
I'm watering the heck out of it to keep it alive.
Finches like it there.
Also white wing doves and feral cats. I leave food and water for all of them. Animals are good. People? Not so much. There's nothing on the planet quite as effed up as the human brain.
What else is there to do? COVID rages on. Certainly showing no signs of going away. Remember when the lunatic told us it would go away? Hot weather would stop it? Under control? No problem? Actually, the major problem is the ancient problem of stupid human beings-- Homo SAP rather than Homo SAPIENS. If we had no examples of Homo SAP among us, COVID would have been much easier to control. We would be in much better shape. Oh well. It's nature's way. It's nature's way of telling you-- something's wrong. "Spirit", the Twelve Dreams of Doctor Sardonicus. Good album!
It's a little too hot to enjoy the garden right now, but that will change. Change is the one thing you can bank on. Nothing stays the same, and in the end, nothing will remain. Nature again.
I find it comforting to know that everything is temporary.