Saturday, July 11, 2020

Just Garden

I'm watering the heck out of it to keep it alive.

Finches like it there.

Also white wing doves and feral cats. I leave food and water for all of them. Animals are good. People? Not so much. There's nothing on the planet quite as effed up as the human brain.

Friday, July 10, 2020

More Garden

What else is there to do? COVID rages on. Certainly showing no signs of going away. Remember when the lunatic told us it would go away? Hot weather would stop it? Under control? No problem? Actually, the major problem is the ancient problem of stupid human beings-- Homo SAP rather than Homo SAPIENS. If we had no examples of Homo SAP among us, COVID would have been much easier to control. We would be in much better shape. Oh well. It's nature's way. It's nature's way of telling you-- something's wrong. "Spirit", the Twelve Dreams of Doctor Sardonicus. Good album!

It's a little too hot to enjoy the garden right now, but that will change. Change is the one thing you can bank on. Nothing stays the same, and in the end, nothing will remain. Nature again.

I find it comforting to know that everything is temporary. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020


If you are in a public place, you can easily see who's sane and who is not-- the sane people will be wearing masks. 

Right now Lubbock is suffering a heat wave. And it hasn't rained in any significant way in a long time. Many wells suck at the ground water, but that water is a non-renewable resource. 

Meanwhile, COVID rages on and the crackpots still call it a hoax/conspiracy. Bolsonaro, Brazil's Trump analog, has it and plans to dose on chloroquinine. Oil of snake, for a snake. We'll see how that works out for him.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Let's Get Ourselves Back To The Garden!

Wouldn't that be nice? This is the best I can do.

I took most of these photos over a month ago. Look what's happened in the last month!

It'll be interesting to see what things will be like when the schools reopen. A little over 60,000 new cases per day at last count. Dr. Fauci warned of 100,000 new cases per day. Dan "shit-for-brains" Patrick said that won't happen. I think Dan Patrick is going to be wrong, primarily because Dan Patrick has-- well, shit for brains. But we'll see.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Finishing The Alley

After that, in the garden for a while.

I'll miss this place.

For that matter, I miss the world as it was before COVID. But nothing stays the same.