Saturday, December 29, 2018

Finishing Post-Christmas

Yeah, right after Christmas let's just jump back into ruins and wrecks.

It just now occurs to me that I could use a macro lens and never run out of material. I could take just one subject, and zoom in and zoom in closer, and closer, until we are looking at an alien landscape. Next year I think I will try that. 
Consider this light fixture. I took a lot of photos at this location but I could have taken just as many photos exploring this light fixture at various scales and from various points of view. Since I don't see myself driving to small towns anymore, or doing much traveling at all anymore, devoting this blog to detailed examinations of just one thing or one small area, might be a good direction for the future. I'm out of photos when I finish this installment, so I might try this new approach next time.

What a great idea!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Back To The Basics

At least I did something somewhat seasonal. In fact, right after I got my Christmas pics I stopped at a location I visited when my wife was with me. I had a better camera this time. I am still unable to visit small towns in the area. It's painful to even think of doing that solo. 

It's all I can do to drive around Lubbock with an empty seat next to me. At any rate, we stopped here years ago and I decided to visit again in the interest of retracing steps. 

I would say that I felt almost comfortably numb and more than a little empty. But it wasn't painful.

I picked a nice, bleak, day for this as well. It was a day to match my mood.

I'll finish this next time.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Finishing Lubbock Christmas

I didn't have time to do more, but at least I got something.

When this stuff is all lit up, it must be impressive. Fun for the kids.

Of course, I kind of liked prowling behind the scenes.

Way behind the scenes. It would be interesting to put a string of lights on this stuff. That's the sort of thing I would do.
Blue lights would work well.

I had to finish with a telephoto shot of the ruins across from the park, which is now a kind of officially sanctioned art work in progress. Graffiti is welcome here. When it gets too dense, it is painted over, thus creating a new canvas. Next time I'll get back to the usual junk and ruins.