Friday, December 2, 2016

A Special Memorial Update

We have finally reached, or will soon reach, 8th and Avenue A.  And for that reason this blog update will be a memorial to a deceased co-worker. In his free time he liked to hang out at a diner on Avenue A, located at 8th and A. The diner was simply referred to as "8th and A". Willis was a stand up guy. He knew how to work. He wrote songs and had an ambition to be a musician. I taught him the rudiments of blues guitar. I don't think his dreams came true, but he tried. He died several years ago. But first, a couple of pics off of Erskine...

And now, all that is left, at 8th and A...

The old diner is gone, and probably not many living today remember it. Sad. There are other ruins near the location.

We moved on.

When we found this junk, this wreckage, we had no idea what fate awaited our country in the future. But we know now! We are going to be grape! Grape again! Cynics might tell you the USA was never grape. I can't really judge. But it is pretty much certain that we will be grape in the near future, grape, like a grape in a wine press, crushed and utterly destroyed. But someone, somewhere, will enjoy a rich and expensive vintage. It won't be me, and it probably won't be you. It will be an interesting process, of plucking and pressing and gathering the life's blood into a vat, for a select few to enjoy. Prepare to be grape! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Just Off East Broadway

It's a little side street. It turned out to be, for some, a good place to dump old furniture. 

It's a little wild and wooly.

It's another dead zone.

Maybe this area prospered, once, and employed people.

No prosperity today. Of prosperity we have none.

Yes, we do have graffiti.

We could not get close enough to check for used needles. There's another way to get access, though. These buildings are not far from McKenzie Park.