Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lubbock's "Airport District"

It's largely a wasteland. Businesses here, once, but not so many anymore. We photographed the ruins.

It's hard to say what kind of activity takes place in ruins like these, if any. One hopes that nothing illegal goes on, in the dark, in the night...

These places are not only close to Lubbock's "International" Airport (something of a joke, there)-- they are also very near a private airfield. Let's hope these buildings contain no meth, no cocaine, no heroin. One never knows. Believe me, the locals would not WANT to know. Too many boats rocking, you know? 

There's a residential area south of the airport, and we looked at that, too. It's south of Regis and east of MLK. Some good ruins there, as well.

As I write these very words, our city is being inundated with rain. Maybe I will be able, in the future, to post pics of flooded parks and roads and vast seas of mud. But first I will finish this series, and I have many pics taken recently in Post, and beyond Post, through a canyon that is nothing but ranch land for many miles, and then the city of Gail, out in the middle of a huge wilderness, far from Post or any other city, but they have a HUGE high school with a very fancy football stadium, a few houses occupied by support staff and teachers for this amazing school, and nothing else-- no entertainment apart from high school events, no place to buy gas, or get groceries-- nothing! It's one of those strange Texas things. I find it eerie.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Still At The Airport District

Yes, we are still examining the ruins of dead businesses.

Once, the city was proud of this little industrial zone.

Now it is forgotten and disregarded.

Oh well. 

Some of these places seem to have been viable until relatively recently. And then something happened...


Friday, May 27, 2016

The Lubbock Airport District

Not much out there now but debris.

You've got your debris, your detritus, and your ruins.

It is being reclaimed by nature.