Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Finishing East Broadway

These pics finish the tale of East Broadway, and were taken near the Stubbs BBQ Memorial.

Now it's time to switch to the car show...

Clearly, it was not just about Ford Mustangs! But I will have some Mustang pics...

East Broadway

These were taken on Broadway, east of Avenue A.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Finishing Avenue G

This completes Avenue G but from there we moved to East Broadway. And then we went to a Ford Mustang Club car show, and yesterday we went to an area on Avenue K. And we examined a playa lake. In all of those locations I took pics.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

More Sights On Lubbock's Avenue G

Never let it be said, that there is nothing to see on Avenue G.

 The photo above and the one below turned out to have a sort of strange perspective, and I have no idea how that happened.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lubbock's Avenue G

Avenue G could be a tourist destination. You could pack no more than what a typical homeless person could carry and sleep in an alley. During the day you could roam around examining walls and doors and windows and cracks in the sidewalk. It's all a matter of scale. LSD might help.