Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More Levelland, Set 2

I took a photo of a large Baptist church in Levelland, because on the tall spire/steeple there was no cross! What goes on with this? That is unheard of. I don't understand that at all.

Other pics are of sights very near the courthouse and what I would call a municipal square.

Near the window were a lot of bees. I didn't know whether I was close to a hive, or whether those would turn out to be KILLER BEES, so I didn't stay in that area very long. Years ago, while jogging in Lubbock, I got attacked by a bee swarm and I didn't want an experience like that again.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Levelland, Set 1

Let's get this new spanking Levelland photo series off to a start, with some pics of the South Plains College campus!! South Plains College is one of the best educational investments around. You can get out in two years and be instantly EMPLOYABLE! Anyone who can read can find the finer intellectual things. But most of us must earn a living. That takes a bit more...

This stuff is all new since the last time I visited. Oh yeah, another great thing about South Plains College is that it does not waste precious time or resources on a football team. They have a great track team, though. http://www.njcaa.org/colleges_college_home.cfm?collegeId=1316

That should be enough, shouldn't it?

Levelland, Again

Last Sunday my wife and I made a trip to Levelland. The city has changed since the last time I visited! It has been hit by the Big Oil Boom. You find evidence of the squalor and destruction all over town-- a nice little park has been chopped up into poorly maintained ball fields, trees have been felled, and the overall result is ugly and trashy, with the smell of hydrogen sulfide as a nasty garnish. There are pumpjacks at work downtown and near the park. Hotels and motels have been built. South Plains College has expanded. New construction is in evidence. Not a lot of this prosperity has translated into infrastructure. You still see lots of crumbling buildings, and businesses that have gone under. A Hispanic gentlemen drove up to our car in a big crew cab pickup and asked me why I was taking pictures of his building. His "building" was a ruin but he said he had cars stored in it. I explained my hobby. The presence of my wife probably made me seem less of a threat. Maybe he decided we were harmless nuts. But after that encounter, and the presence of local cops who began to shadow us, we decided to get out of town, being very careful to obey the speed limits. I got lots of pics, though. Some I processed to create a more vivid image, a few I left unmolested, as documentation. After I get them down-sized for posting, they will be appearing here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lubbock Drought

We are not being clobbered by that cold blast of late; not penetrating so far south, but the drought goes on. So far in 2014 no rainfall at all, and no prospects. Last year, we were way below the 18" average for this area. Even in a normal year it does not rain much here. The drought extends now through a wide swath of the Texas Panhandle.

My wife read yesterday that the average amount spent on a wedding today runs to about $26,000. Is that stupid or what? What does money have to do with it? What is the point of such ostentation? In what way does flushing money down a toilet ensure the sanctity or longevity of a marriage? Is the spending done to impress friends, family, the general public? It impresses me. It gives me the impression that the people doing it are stupid. And they almost certainly are. Worse luck to them.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Last Of Lubbock 2014 No.2

Downtown, downtown, downtown...

Some of these pics only look their best in their full, native, resolution. But I can't post that here. By the way, there is no abbey downtown. Ha. Ha. Get it? Downtown abbey?