Saturday, March 8, 2025

Winter Is Back

 Not really all that cold though, just cloudy and windy and somewhat cool. It should be all over by Sunday. I want to make another prediction: next launch of Starship will be an unqualified success, a very great step forward in the race to establish a human presence on Mars. To Mars! And beyond! From Mars to the stars! And, I always did like Mars Bars. Do they even still make those things?

If we are going to have a war on science, why not also a war on logic? On reason? On mathematics? On reality? Let's deny that facts exist! Down is up! Up is down! The sky is green and the earth is a cube! The sun is the center of the universe! Better yet, make the earth the center of the universe and bring back the epicycles. The stars are mere illusions! Bright spots on a crystal dome, with heaven beyond! Wishing makes it so! Wheeee! Morons have more fun!

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