Probably a million acres burned by this time, in total, by the various wildfires north of us. Terrible to think of the suffering, both human and animal. It's been very dry up there. I shouldn't say "human and animal" because we are only another species of animal. All suffering is animal suffering. And all behavior is animal behavior.
This blog is an ARTISTIC regional photo journal. I focus on mundane scenes. ANY AND ALL STATEMENTS I MAKE HERE ARE MY OPINONS ONLY! I OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER AS A STATEMENT OF FACT! The photographs are offered as ARTISTIC EXPRESSION ONLY! They are not representative of anything other than themselves. Most of the places mentioned here have surely changed substantially since they were visited. Check my list of recommended sites at the bottom of this blog!

Thursday, February 29, 2024
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
One of the fires burning about 100 miles north of us has consumed 300,000 acres so far, and is not contained to any degree. Many evacuations. That's grassland. And we have a smoke plume from that fire overhead, since the winds have shifted due to the front. This is not extreme cold and tomorrow morning a few wintery showers are possible, maybe a rain snow mix but no accumulations likely. We could use a little precip. And after that it warms rapidly again. Good riddance to February, although it wasn't all that bad around here.
But you know, human beings are vastly more destructive than any wildfire you are likely to see. Humanity is more like a killer asteroid, a mass extinction agent. I suppose I've done my part, although I've tried to make my contribution to the general destruction as modest as possible.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
What A Day!
Lots of wind and dust and major wildfires in the panhandle. Spring has sprung. This is what "SPRING" is like on the high plains of TEXAS. Only the strong survive, and only if they're lucky!
Cloudy And Warm
It got pretty warm yesterday but it was not at all uncomfortable. Today it is cloudy in advance of a mild "front" and rather pleasant. This has been a pretty awesome February, with only one instance of rather cold weather that didn't last long. I see all kinds of growth in my garden and it's looking quite good. I've decided to begin watering and everything is responding well.
It's all looking (and feeling) quite good!
Monday, February 26, 2024
A Record High Today!
It will be quite warm, verging on hot, but the air will be dry and there will be wind, so I don't expect to be uncomfortable. I have a feeling that this summer will be incredible and power grids will be collapsing all over. Another crises for ERCOT, the power grid that never seems to be ready. If I thought it would be worth the effort I would try FOIA filings to try to see where the money goes and what actually has been done. I'm pretty sure I'd encounter a stone wall.
And I'm pretty sure I'd encounter some form of retribution, because I think I'd be dealing with the moral equivalent of an outlaw gang. We must never forget, that this is TEXAS.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Friday, February 23, 2024
Getting Windy
Windy conditions at this time of year are normal and it won't be long before we have significant dust in the air.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Nice, Very Nice
Warm yesterday and lots more done. I'm sure enjoying working outside again. Only a little cool today and still above average temps. I don't mind at all. Best February in a long time.
I think I've successfully disengaged from the world around me, to the extent possible in an urban area, and it feels quite good. I have no need at all for any human "companionship", which means that I can live in great simplicity and serenity. But I have cordial relations with acquaintances who could be useful. I'm a friendly hermit who maintains situational awareness. I take care to blend into my surroundings, attracting no attention. But I'm always very alert and observant. It's working.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
A Lot Accomplished Yesterday!
I've gotten a head start on a lot of projects, thanks to the terrific weather lately. It won't be long before I start buying stuff at garden centers. I have a good idea of what I'll be needing, to get the landscaping I want. I love messing around with stuff like that. It will all be hidden, of course, for me to enjoy, and for me ALONE to enjoy. Last year I put in a major effort to create a privacy fence. And now it is time for me to refine that private space. I'll need pavers, some more tools, some planters, some stone material to define paths, and so on. It'll be pretty awesome when done. Well, actually, it will never be done. And that's the beauty of it.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Terrific Morning!
We are off to a good start!
It might be a little breezy today but not enough to raise any dust, I think. I'd like to have open windows this evening. This time of year is a little awkward in terms of climate. After so many years here, I should be used to it. We might have a record high tomorrow, in advance of a front that will drop our highs back into the sixties. Ah, the sixties. I remember them well!