Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Really NIce Today

 Terrific weather for the time of year. Rain would be nice but I'd hate to see snow. I absolutely hate snow. And don't even talk about ice. 

I realized yesterday just how profoundly socially isolated I've become. I might exchange as many as a dozen words with other people in the course of an average day. And that doesn't bother me at all. Some loners enjoy being loners, and are quite content to be loners. I guess that's me. And when I do exchange more words, I keep it light, I keep it simple, and I try to keep it brief and to the point. But I'm friendly in a superficial way. All social contacts are quite pleasant for the people I encounter. I have a sense of humor. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Windy Yesterday

 Much better today, though. Warm enough. Fairly comfortable.

Looks like a fairly decent week. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Wind And Dust Yesterday

 The blue skies turned kind of beige, let's say. Not quite brown, but there was dust in the air. Same again today but with some smoke from wild fires. It's very dry. This is a preview of spring. Spring has sprung early, but I expect a winter whiplash in late December and news of polar vortices, bomb cyclones, and the usual winter chaos. What would a winter be without chaos, rolling blackouts as the power grid buckles, and so on and so on? 

I guess I'm ready for it, or as ready as I can be. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Blue Skies

 We have clear skies and a stiff breeze out of the west. It is unusual to have had no wintery blast yet. I do not want ANY wintery blast. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Yesterday Wintery

 Today it is partly cloudy and warming and dry and although winds were in the forecast we are not yet having any of that. Not bad. Not bad at all. 

I ignored the Black Friday shopping spree nonsense, of course. I always do.