Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Terrific Weather!

 I hope I won't have to see stuff like "polar vortex" and "bomb cyclone" in our forecasts this winter. I've had enough of that. Maybe we will have a little rain tomorrow. That'll be OK. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Lentils And Rice

 I stocked up on lentils and rice during the heaviest part of the pandemic, when everything looked very uncertain and now I intend to use that stuff. Fortunately, lentil and rice dishes, are quick and easy to prepare and there are lots of seasoning options and one can add stuff like red onion, bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes and so on. Lots of fiber and protein. And there are topping options, like plain yogurt or fried onions, or fried onions AND yogurt. You could stir in chickpeas or humus. And the stuff goes well with fish. I like kippered herring on the side. Yesterday's meal was very good. I might do it again today, with other seasonings. You could stuff pita bread with lentils and rice, with feta cheese added. Sour cream? So many options. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

It's All Loony

 Virtually every aspect of human life seems rather loony when you think about it. But crazy should be fun, rather than serious. Odds are, only mathematicians are truly rational, but only when they are actually DOING math. On the other hand, AI is scary because it is completely rule-driven and without a scrap of emotion. Mathematicians find beauty in their work. No AI will ever find beauty in anything. 

Today I had a craving for lentils and brown rice, with onion and tomato and oregano and Cajun seasoning mix. Don't forget the garlic and EVO. I plan to have this with fish and I'll baste the fish with a Korean spicy stir fry sauce. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022


 It's been a long time since I've had a TGIF experience. You know what makes any environment toxic? It's other people. As soon as a few people have gathered together, you've got a potentially very toxic environment. Sometimes it's deadly, sometimes it's merely irritating. Or chaotic. Only rarely is it in any way good. Smaller groupings are always better. As far as workplaces are concerned, I don't remember any that have been very congenial. My best experiences have involved solo problem solving. That was always very gratifying. But the typical workplace/organizational dynamic is chock full of pathology. I'm happy to have been out of that for many years. 

Yesterday was almost warm. Very nice. Today a slight cool turn and a small chance of rain. Still hoping for minimal winter. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

A Brief Respite

 The worst of winter is still ahead but for now I can forget about it. At least 50% of the time, life in the PU is crap on a shingle, made bearable by virtue of illusion and delusion (and there are many illusions and delusions to choose from), and then you do have those genuinely nice days, that can stand on their own, without the benefit of fantasy. Or only minimal fantasy. I kind of had one of those yesterday. And maybe I'll have one of those again today. It helps to keep everything as simple as possible. It helps to be able to enjoy books. Books and wine-- that's a good combination! Peace and quiet are always good. Crowds of people, in any venue whatsoever, are NEVER a good thing. 

A lot of what people do in groups turns out to be stupid and toxic. Peer groups are generally destructive. So-called peer groups are what smart people manage to escape.