Monday, April 6, 2020

Let's Have More Alley

It seemed very safe, and very peaceful.

Scenes of tranquility on a cold, damp, morning.

These pipes might have connected to a gas meter, once upon a time.

I like these details. More next time.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

More Alley Studies

Yeah, why not get fancy and call these pics "studies"??

As always I try to squeeze as much as possible out of the most mundane things I can find.

These things are natural objects. Man-made, yes, but humans are natural objects. Flowing water and wind erode matter into interesting shapes. Human beings are as flowing water and wind, shaping matter into interesting configurations.  Even better when other natural forces work upon these human-shaped configurations. The result is a kind of hybrid, but still as natural as anything else. That's the sort of stuff I like to explore.

That's really the whole idea behind my photography, such as it is. More of this next time.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

That Alley

I'm happy to have explored it.



The alley! Not finished yet! 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Back To That Alley

And continuing the documentary. Infections up in Lubbock County every day. Notice what a great job China did, getting their infections under control. Notice what a poor job we are doing here, leading the world in the worst possible way. It's also ironic that FOX news, spewing idiot right wing garbage, propaganda and wishful thinking, puts its most devoted viewers at risk. Are they really trying to kill off their viewers? Are they perhaps trying to kill off the most hardened and fanatical of Trump's supporters? It almost looks that way. Or, they might just be too stupid to see that their alternate universe is toxic. We'll have to see how long the fantasy world of the right can survive under these conditions.

At least I can still get out and take my photos.

We'll be in this alley for quite a while, even as I find new things to document. This alley gets better and better. And I didn't get every possible photo. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

More From The Alley

And what a great alley it is.

Some junk nearby, too.

Not the greatest junk, but still it's something. Still happy with Windows 10. Very stable so far. Cases of you know what in Lubbock county over 100 and climbing. Remember when our idiot-in-chief told us it would all go away? Remember when he called it a hoax? Still believe in the guy? Still think he's God's gift to America? Well, if you do, you've got some definite problems.
Maybe you're just to proud to admit that you were CONNED?

It's no disgrace to be conned by a master. It is a disgrace to keep buying into the line of bull. More of this alley next time! By that time Lubbock County might have 200 cases... or more.