Wednesday, October 16, 2019

That Alley Again

There was just a lot of stuff there to photograph.

I tried to get as much out of this location as I could. I thought at one time I'd be driving to small towns in the area and getting photos the way I used to, but I just can't do that yet. Maybe never. The empty seat next to mine is too hard to take. It's hard enough to drive anywhere here in town. So when I do find a spot I want to get lots of photos.

That's also why I do so many variations-- B&W, sepia, color, cropping, etc.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Still In The Alley

This was a pretty good alley.

I found plenty of signs that some of Lubbock's numerous homeless have been sheltering in this alley.

I'll be in this alley for quite a while since I took a lot of pics back there.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Small Region Near 19th Street

Things get more interesting when you narrow your focus. Here we are just looking at a very small piece of Lubbock at a specific location.

I try different "angles". Sometimes subtracting color information makes a better picture.

There was a fence but it had gaps large enough for the camera lens. Always fascinating to see what is hidden behind a fence.

It is quite a fence! I moved only a little farther away from this location and found an even better alley! This alley was a "treasure trove"! I spent the rest of my time in THAT alley.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

After Turning North...

... various things appeared.

But I didn't photograph any of those things. I waited until I found an interesting spot on 19th Street.

That location turned out to be really productive!

I'll have a lot more from that location next time...

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Finishing Playa Lake, Moving On

So, like I said the last time, I did not disturb the guy living in the little trailer, and I moved on to a Truck Wash-- for BIG trucks.

Lots of junk back there.
This was parked at the Truck Stop. And on another day I took some pics on the south side of town. I was on 98th Street.

Obviously agricultural and lots of cotton out here. Irrigated cotton.

Out in this direction it is several miles to the next town, which would be Tahoka.

I did not go that way. I turned north.