Sunday, January 15, 2017

Mystery Pics, HMS Incredulous, New Braunfels

Yes, it's that time again. Time to post some more pics here. First, those mystery pics, which were a kind of camera experiment.

 The HMS Incredulous, made from wood scraps. I did not go to much trouble on this. It is not a scale model of anything. But when I set it adrift, I'll complete work on a more scale-like model of the HMS Rodney.

Whoops! How did that New Braunfels stuff get mixed up in here? Oh, well...

 New Braunfels, in detail:

These pics are just not going up in the right order. But what the heck. I'll just keep going.

That worked better.

Fossils! Millions and millions of years ago, this area was a shallow sea, and an area of intense volcanic activity. Massive outcroppings of granite in the hill country near New Braunfels were once lava domes. You find lots of limestone and granite in this area, testifying to enormous changes over the course of geological time.

When I complete New Braunfels, we will look at the tiny town of New Home, not far from Lubbock. 


Friday, January 6, 2017

Getting Past Lubbock For A While

That's my intention, and maybe move on to other things.

Boring stuff, but in a land where Krazy and Stoopid Rooools, boring stuff is a relief, isn't it?

In modern America, we must prepare to accept the crazy and the stupid as the new normal. 

I've got a lot of photos to get through before I take more. Photography is fun.

Details! That's where the interest is.

Nobody home. The lights are not on.

Next time I'll have some Mystery Pics, some pics of a kind of pond yacht I built last summer. Eventually I'll set it adrift on a playa lake. And then, New Braunfels.