Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lubbock's Illegal Dumping

Truly, you can find this kind of stuff all over town, but on the East Side it is much worse. And the stuff stays and stays. Is it even reported? We don't report it because we don't live there, but maybe we should. But then, what would we have to photograph?

Fields of dreams? What dreams?

I just realized that we could report this stuff in terms of gps coordinates. Would anyone in the city be equipped to use that information? Would Solid Waste actually come out to collect this junk? We'll try it someday.

 Time to move on.

Time for more Lubbock Industry On Parade! Hear the groans of big machines.

Actually, it was dead silent out here. 

Just look at the power infrastructure, to support this industrial zone. And yet, not much of anything appears to be happening. This industrial zone seems to be mostly dead. Next time, we'll try something completely different, in the nature of a camera experiment, and then we move on to other parts of Lubbock, and other events in Lubbock.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

It's TIme To Move On

We got away from all that asbestos, and found more ruins and more junk.

We found this old Opel GT.  I took a test drive in one of these, once, back in 1969 or 1970. This one cries out for restoration.

That's a good old PU, behind that fence.

There's been no mail delivered here in a long time. It's easy to find the remains of dead businesses in Lubbock. They are all over.

Next time, we will find more crap abandoned in the very streets of Lubbock: more couches, and chairs and mattresses, maybe more old tires. Sometimes it seems that the whole town is just one, big, illegal, dumping ground.