Friday, January 22, 2016

Alleys And Hidden Places

Exploring Lubbock's nooks and crannies-- it's what we do here, among other things.

Some of the things we've photographed in the past are no longer visible, hidden now behind tall metal fences. Behind the fence the junk is still there, but now you can't see it. What a shame.

If you've got a lot of junk, flaunt it! Show it off! Share it with the world. Don't be selfish.
And don't HIDE it.

People who keep secrets can't be trusted. 

We say in these parts, that a feller who grows grain sorghum can be trusted with your life. We also say, an honest man is a man who grows grain sorghum. And we go on to say, it takes an honest man to grow a crop of good grain sorghum! Well, there's nothing secret about grain sorghum; you can't hide a crop of that. Think about it.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

More Random Lubbock

VERY random.

These are things we found in alleys. One alley was studded with security cameras, and someone drove up and asked us what we were doing there. I said I was photographing junk. They seemed satisfied, and left. Nothing wrong with photographing junk.

This thing was on a roof. Don't ask me what it is because I don't know. 

 We found a metal hatch into the earth! Don't go there! Stay away! You don't want to know!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Lubbock Downtown, Random Lubbock

When we finish this series of Lubbock downtown, we will go to shots of Lubbock pretty much at random.

 In my opinion, I never make a mistake when I take pictures. Above, you see a happy accident.
Is there a BOB ROSS school of photography? If so, I belong to it.

 Now we are into random Lubbock.

 I'm not sure I could tell you anymore, where exactly we were.

Somewhere in Lubbock.

Debris and detritus, in the wake of a dead business.

Gone under and plundered. Not plundered by us. We just documented the ruin. For posterity.

I offer such images as counterpoint to chamber of commerce propaganda.