Monday, November 23, 2015

An Old House In New Braunfels, Texas

It's an old ABANDONED house, a virtual ruin, in an old neighborhood in what is called, in New Braunfels, the "West End". 

That was in interesting ruin!  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

More Close-ups Of New Braunfels

It's interesting that details like these give the impression of being generic, things that could be seen anywhere. And yet, I'm sure they are NOT generic in that there is surely enough information in each photo to characterize a unique locale. And yet, we are not dealing with a hologram here.  Assuming then that we are not dealing with information coded within a hologram, how much does the part reveal about the whole?

 There's a hole in the floor!
 Could this be any old house anywhere? Or could it only be a particular old house in a very precise location with a very definite history?

In this case, I happen to know which old house this is, and where it is.

But by this time we've moved on to another old house, a different one.

Friday, November 20, 2015

New Braunfels Microcosm

As usual, I ZOOOMED IN on New Braunfels. No panoramic views here.

I chose to feature a few abandoned homes.

This place was in really bad shape.

The more closely we looked, the more bad things we saw.