Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Abernathy Abernathy

Abernathy goes on forever.

Or maybe it just seems like that.

The truth is, I'm about to run out of Abernathy. Then I document another little area of Lubbock, and then we move to New Deal, only about 7 miles north. New Deal is really small but the schools rate high and they've got a great BBQ and hamburger grill there. Best brisket I've encountered since the long ago days of Stubb's here in Lubbock.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Not Done With Abernathy

Not by a long shot...

Truly, this is Abernathy!

You can come up with a long list of "places", like Tulia, Friona, Possum Kingdom, and on and on, but THIS place, the place you see in this photo series, is Abernathy, and no other place.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Abernathy Continued

For some reason, when you take pictures of this place, it looks a lot more colorful than it does to the naked eye... heh, heh.

And what about those stark, sharp, shadows? It's amazing what the camera lens will reveal.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

More Abernathy

It's just that we found a lot to photograph in Abernathy.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Abernathy In Pics

Abernathy is dead still on a Sunday afternoon. Except for the Dairy Queen, nothing was open. We ate at that Dairy Queen. We really wanted a mom & pop style local eatery, and there is one, but it's not open Sunday. 

If Abernathy decided to prosper by catering to the adult trade, with sexy books, magazines, videos, toys, strip joints and all the other things so dear to the hearts of good old boys, we would have to rename it Abernasty. Just a joke, son.

Probably though, that's the only way Abernathy would ever get REALLY prosperous...