Friday, September 5, 2014


A lot of these views are of Idalou at the edge, at the city limits, but if you drive out to Lubbock's city limits you would see much the same thing at this time of year.

Lubbock, of course, is growing ever larger and more populous. Not good in the long term, because there won't be enough water to support that population. You could safely say that Lubbock and all the other communities in this area that rely on the aquifer are on a road to nowhere...

Lubbock has two surface water sources but one is at 4% capacity and the other is dwindling rapidly. 

At the very least, we will see very strict and severe limits on water use in the future, and that will make a lot of people very unhappy. Restrictions have been placed on agricultural use already, and the farmers hate that. My land, my water, they say. They hate the idea of having their water use regulated in any way. At any rate, these pics complete Idalou...


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Some Views Of Idalou

Idalou, by contrast with Ropes, is a much better looking and more prosperous community. It is not really isolated, and whatever you can't find in Idalou will be nearby in Lubbock. But you could survive in Idalou without a car, if you can walk at least a half-mile. In Ropes, if you can't drive you're going to starve to death.

Somebody bought the building above, in downtown Idalou, and they are working to restore it.

Idalou is bounded by cotton fields, for the most part. Some farmers are growing corn as well.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Showing You The Ropes

We'll finish Ropes today. It seems that Ropesville might have seen better days but I don't know when. I guess I could mention that Ropes also has no barber shop? The list of what Ropes does not have is a long one. 

 If I lived in Ropes my top priority would be to move away from Ropes, to a town that had, at the very least, a gas station and a supermarket.

That was Ropes and my wife and I truly feel sorry for anyone who has to live there. 


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Learning The Ropes

Some views of downtown Ropesville:

At the extreme left, above, is the city hall and police station.

 The rest of downtown could be considered "historic".

Ropes welcomes you.

Looking for a good place to raise your kids up in? Ropesville might be the ticket. 


Monday, September 1, 2014

Ropes Pictures

Or Ropesville by another name...

An awful odor and a lot of flies around this structure. We wondered what that meant-- what do they USE this thing for?

There's the cotton gin in the background. It must be the major economic power in this town. Ropes does have a Post Office, though it looks run down and might even be abandoned, as far as we could tell.

 Poor as this place is, you've got to have your high school football stadium.

 Pathetic. What a waste of money. More Ropesville/Ropes coming up...