Sunday, September 24, 2023


 Beautiful weather is on tap this week, and I have a lot of photos in my various cameras that need to be transferred to computer and I'm lagging on the job-- there is too much to do. Work to be done here, and work to be done there, and so on. 

Hundreds of photos, perhaps 500 or so, and so little time to do stuff. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Record Highs

 Today and tomorrow record highs but mornings remain quite cool. Dramatic temperature swings. Next week should be much better. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Cool Mornings Remain

 And even though it gets into the low nineties F during the day it cools rapidly after sunset and becomes quite comfortable. DST ends soon but that means nothing to me since I didn't observe it. Only one clock to reset and one wristwatch will reset automatically since it synchronizes to the nearest atomic clock. I'd like to see a Rolex that will do that. Snob appeal is for idiots. My Casio G-Shock Atomic, water resistant to 200 meters, beats any Rolex you'll ever see for durability and accuracy. Did I mention that it is solar-powered? Stick your Rolex where the sun don't shine, asshole. Narcissist scumbag...

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mornings Remain Cool

 I did more clearing this morning and the weather was ideal. Good idea to start early on that and get things under control again. I'm seeing signs of overtraining. Six day a week workouts, with some two-a-days mixed in might be a bit much for someone my age. So three two-a-days and one light session on Saturday. We'll see how that works. 

It's easy for me to forget that I'm OLD. I never expected to live this long. It's a mystery. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Warming Up

 Ah, yes, it had to warm up again but we are staying a bit below seasonal norms and it is humid and windy. Not bad at all, in other words. I did a number of important things yesterday evening, and this morning I did several important things, and this is the sort of activity that brings great satisfaction. Ah, I say. Ah. Say "ah". Hah, hah. 

Truly this time of seasonal change, the transition from summer to winter, is my favorite time of the year.