Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Soaking Wet In New Braunfels

 And now, amazingly, soaking wet in Lubbock. It rains and rains. Nice change, actually. It'll take a lot of rain to break the drought and refill the playa lakes. I always like it when obnoxious July 4th celebrations get rained out. Maybe this summer? It's happened before. Let this be a wet summer. Rain on the parades. Drown the fireworks. 

I sometimes feel that "independence" was a catastrophe-- a very bad idea from the very beginning. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

New Braunfels Houses

 I'm only interested in the old, historic, places.

I took a soggy walk to get the pics. It was soggy every day I was there. And cool.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Continuing New Braunfels

 Traffic is terrible there.

The place is more congested and overrun by tourists every time I go there. It was a great place to live, once, but now not so much. Over crowding is killing the place. Too much development. Insane traffic jams on highway 46 between Boerne and New Braunfels. No thanks. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Rain-soaked New Braunfels

 Rain must be catching because we've had some here in Lubbock. Here, it's a rare event. 

When I took these photos I was getting drizzled on. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Braunfels-- Zooming out

 Starting to, anyway. Eventually I'll be looking at houses in New Braunfels, old and historic and mostly restored. But not just yet.