Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Peaceful Place In Lubbock

There are lots of peaceful places in Lubbock. There are no people there. That helps a lot.

 Sometimes you see evidence that people HAVE been there. That's where all the trash comes from.

Stuff like this shows you that people are sometimes present. Or, were present, once. I don't know whether any of this stuff is still being used. Everything looked pretty dead.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Lubbock In Your Dreams

This morning I read that 50% of tRump's supporters have bought into the Q-Inane bullshit. That means that 50% of the trumptards need anti-psychotic meds. I would have thought that ALL of them need to be medicated. The malicious individual who started this stupid conspiracy most likely did it to scare the monkeys, rattle their cages. No doubt, he or she or it has complete contempt for the people who've bought into this stuff. Undoubtedly, they are being laughed at by the creator of Q-Inane. Silly monkeys! Watch them hurl shit at each other! Ha. Ha.

It's really not funny at all. Only to the malicious creature who started it.

Here, in this precise spot, see the island of tranquility?


Monday, October 19, 2020

Lubbock In Your Face

 Lubbock had yet another one of those trumptard stupidverse Trump Train events Sunday. They were entertained by a local dumbshit politician. Jody "toady" Arrington or something like that. These events remind me very strongly of the Nazi rallies back in the Germany of the 1930's. And we all know how that turned out. 

Crazy people make for crazy times.

Meanwhile, these alleys go on and on...

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Here's Lubbock In Your Eye

 It's Lubbock as I see it, anyway...

This is the Lubbock that matters to me, for some reason.

Or maybe no reason at all.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

An Alley Sojourn

 As usual, far from any noxious crowd. How many is a crowd?

One is a crowd, if it's a conservative, and the crowd of one is noxious if it is a tRump supporter. Over 60,000 new Covid cases reported Friday. Are we great again yet? Has Dan Patrick grown a brain yet? Has the Orange Asshole gone away yet?