Sunday, August 23, 2020

Getting Low On Garden Again

It'll soon be back to downtown Lubbock.

But I will use up this stuff first.

Friday, August 21, 2020

More Garden Stuff

What the RNC needs is to have Jerry Falwell Jr. with his pants unzipped and Ted Nugent in his Daniel Boone costume with his pants around his knees, maybe stroking an AR-15, to show off those conservative "fambly valyers". And maybe Franklin  Graham could stand there with them, fondling his wallet. Would there still be room on the stage for their satanic majesty? Nugent could have the tail of his coonskin cap wired so it sticks straight up, if you take my thrust. The trumptards would go nuts. Whee.

Meanwhile, evidence accumulates that even those who have covid with minimal symptoms and recover may have lasting damage to the heart, and liver and the rest of the circulatory system. It could be that covid is more a metabolic disease than a respiratory disease. It may enter the body via the lungs but the damage is much more extensive, going far beyond the lungs. Full recovery just might be impossible. More research is needed.

Science, as always, will have the last word.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Garden 2

Pretty much what it's looking like now after a summer of killer heat and drought. 

By the way, the RNC will feature Ted Nugent among other low-life trumptards. This makes sense because Ted Nugent has bragged for years about his highly questionable sexual exploits with "young women". He's a rock star, right? That alone would be enough to make him a hero in the trumptard universe. Of course, that's just my opinion. I have opinions about all sorts of things. 

Vladmir Putin's agents have probably poisoned one of his critics. Trump's admiration for Putin will become even greater. And the trumptards will cheer: "Russia! Russia! Russia! Go PUTIN! Whoopee! That there Putin guy helped our PRESIDENT get ELECTED! He can do no wrong!"

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Switching To Sunflowers For A While

Since I've got them, I'll use them.

When these are finished, then back to downtown Lubbock.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Downtown Lubbock #7

If the phrase "lost souls" has any meaning, you can certainly apply it to the trump cult. A turnip cult might not be so bad, but the trump cult is from the dark side.