Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Looking At Textures And Contrasts

I don't know any other way to describe what I'm doing. And the subject matter is always of interest to me.

Interesting, yes? No?

And, there will be more from this and other locations. Same types of things.

Monday, May 25, 2020

New PIcs

Some odd things have happened. I'm having to repost.

This sort of thing seems to take the best photos. I can't explain that.

There. That starts a new series. I hope I won't have any more do-overs. Maybe I'm getting close to my content limit. Just in case, I deleted some things.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Still In The Garden

And sure enough, since the last time I posted anything here, it got whacked by hail. Vicious climate. It never rains without hail or severe weather of some sort. The only weather we have is severe weather.  But I think it'll all recover. At least, before the next hail storm, which might be this weekend. Memorial Day weekend.

There really wasn't much to photograph anyway.

 We found this Lapis pyramid at an estate sale, along with a lot of carved Jade, years ago. All very cheap. We bought some of the carved Jade and this thing. I put it in the bird bath. We sold the caved jade at a nice profit!

I have places to explore this weekend, and hope to get a lot of pics. Not finished with the garden in this early state.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Back To The Garden

It's that time of year, and so far it hasn't been ravaged by hail. That could change tonight. At any rate, apart from scattering a wildflower seed mix, I planted nothing. But things are coming up like gang busters.

Funny thing is, I don't remember planting any cats. This explains the little eyes I've seen in the garden, back among the sunflowers. So I'm leaving food and water. What choice do I have? In my opinion, any animal at all, even a rattlesnake, is far finer and less noxious  than about 50% of the human race. And I'm being generous to humanity. VERY generous.

Things are in a very early stage. 

The cats have made tunnels in the increasingly dense foliage.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Let's Finish This Alley

I didn't take as many pics as I could have. I don't think it's safe to linger very long in these locations. Too many trigger happy assholes, for one thing. 

Details are interesting, but almost never noted.

All too often the "big picture" is a vacuous generality. Boring.

That's it for this series. Something else next time.