Monday, November 18, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 5

I'm picking up where I left off, in the antique place.

On several occasions I bought my wife antique jewelry from this store.

It's a fairly big place with a lot of stuff. When I was a kid this was a department store: National's.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 4

Walking downtown...

... and seeing the usual sights. I saw "The Blob" and "I Married A Monster From Outer Space" on a double bill there when I was a kid. I thought "I Married A Monster" was scarier than "The Blob".  Let me see, I also saw "The Pit and the Pendulum" there. I liked science fiction and scary stuff. 

It was cold and drizzly. Very gloomy.

Wurstfest was going on so many tourists were in town. Downtown New Braunfels is full of beer joints and antique stores. I ducked into one of them to get dry and warm. While I was in there I photographed their stuff.

I'll continue from this point next time.

New Braunfels Wurstfest Fire

The annual Wurstfest was going on in New Braunfels while I was there, but my cousin just informed me via email that about 1/2 of it burned down this morning (11/16/2019). That is a big event for this town. Later today I will post more of the pics I took there earlier. I never would have imagined something like this happening.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 3

Not such great weather for a walk, but I needed to see what I could photograph.
This is a new house going up on a vacant lot and it is in an old style because that area is designated "historic". If you build there it must be something consistent with the existing structures. And this one is. As you can see, it had rained.

And old barber shop. Spaces between building are almost too narrow for comfortable utility access. That was not a consideration when these things were constructed, back in the day. I stepped inside the barber shop to get out of the drizzle and get some pics.

They had some interesting stuff on display. I did not photograph everything...
... and I moved on, toward downtown.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

New Braunfels 2019 Set 2

So, as I said, I started "close to home", as it where...

And I looked at familiar things.

Details of familiar things...

It was actually kind of cold and rainy at this time, but I walked downtown. Those pics come up next.