Sunday, December 24, 2017

We Finish The Petersburg Festival!

Still lots of restored and hot-rodded cars!

Not many were in clean, stock, condition.

I deeply regret that my wife was not able to walk far enough to see these cars close-up, and that she never got a chance to see the photos I took.

But she enjoyed the drive and enjoyed being outside-- it was nice and warm.

No more cars. Now we are back to the details of Petersburg.

There are not many buildings in this small town. I chose this one to examine closely.

As usual, I document trivia.

The little stuff, especially in a little town, a little town that many would describe as near death, is always fascinating.

All of this junk has some sort of history, and it might be fascinating to know. It's all part of the total information content of the universe. Think of it that way.

When I take photographs I do not like to practice "scale discrimination".

This is the last time I'll ever see Petersburg again, in the company of my wife, who always made these little trips so enjoyable. That's a very depressing thought. I'm still living a day at a time. I can't really think of the future yet. I don't WANT to think of the future.