Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Alleys Of Lubbock

Lubbock is a city of alleys. You could spend a lot of time wandering around in the alleys. We do that sometimes. It's an interesting experience. You get a very different feeling about the city.

This is an alley behind various commercial establishments. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Warehouses Of Lubbock

WAREHOUSES-- not the other kind! The official word is that Lubbock is above the other sort of houses. Lubbock is so clean it squeaks, so many say. So many would have you believe. At any rate, when we got back to Lubbock we drove through one of the city's many warehouse/light industrial zones. 

As well as City Of Mums, City Of Churches, Lubbock could also style itself the City Of Warehouses. 

Lubbock has a lot of garbage as well, but probably not so much as the Texas Legislature, which, at this time, is absolutely PACKED with garbage, of the HUMAN variety-- worst kind. You can tell by the laws they're writing. Garbage in, garbage out...

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Upholstered Seats

We have a lot of those in Texas, but here are some in Idalou:

And that is enough of Idalou, for now. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

More Idalou Attractions

We stopped at what seemed to be an abandoned automotive upholstery shop. Very interesting.

We visited this site on Easter Sunday and as of that date there were no no trespassing signs in evidence. I always find defunct businesses interesting. You have to wonder about the history.

Idalou might not be the best location for this sort of business. If you were going to open a business in Idalou, I'm really not sure what one would choose. What does Idalou need? What does Idalou want? What can Idalou afford? Not many people live in Idalou, that's for sure.

Monday, April 6, 2015

But First... Twisted Pipes

How about some twisted pipes, eh? We went to a storage building sale on South University, off in the boonies. One thing we found was a '65 Chevy long bed PU with a 500hp V-8 and hood that would not close for some reason (but you could drive it around like a big old angry alligator), a lot of bare metal in the cab, a neat shifter, and two empty beer cans in the pickup bed, ready to go for $2780! I should have taken pictures of that truck but I didn't. But I did take pictures of some old, rusty, TWISTED PIPES next to a rusted 50 gallon metal drum. Actually, those pipes are TWISTED BY DESIGN-- exhaust pipes, and they had to be bent up like that to negotiate a path through various other chassis parts.