Friday, February 7, 2025

Plenty Warm!

 Very pleasant weather for February and nothing very extreme in the long term forecast. I like that.

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Lots of sunshine today and more record highs. At this time of year record highs are very comfortable. I got a LOT done. It feels great to be outside. 

Next week it will turn cool, but not very cold. I guess our only real problem is that it has been very dry. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Onward through the fog, eh? It's foggy this morning. Should be quite warm once the fog clears. I got the SLA quote wrong yesterday, It should be "Death to the fascist insect etc." Oh well, that was a long time ago, in another world. We are more likely, now, to see the fascist insect EATING the people. Looting pension funds, looting retirement accounts, killing Social Security and Medicare, and in the process creating a desperate multitude who will be willing to take any job at any wage, just for the sake of avoiding starvation. A billionaire's wet dream. Yes, I foresee an oligarchy with an iron heel, grinding the great mass of mankind into submission. Serve the wealthy or die. Or be deported to some hellhole internment camp. Amerika! And it only took one senile, malignant madman to do it, with the aid of some techno creeps. It looks as though greedy billionaire psychopaths will inherit the earth. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Record High Yesterday!

 91 F! That broke the old record for the date set in 2021 by 10 degrees! It felt very good. Not so warm today but a warm weekend is coming up. It will turn cool after that, but not at all cold, unless we have polar vortex nonsense. In 2021 we got some very extreme cold after that record high. Let's have none of that this time. 

President Musk and his billionaire buddies want to turn this country into a clone of Russia, and most Americans are stupid enough, and passive enough, to let that happen. Most Americans deserve that fate. Remember: "Kill the fascist insect that prays on the life of the people"? I do. How times have changed! I think most people are more than ready to be enslaved. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Record Highs!

 Record highs at this time of year will be a great thing. Warm, but not at all hot. I'll be able to do a lot.