Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Below Average!

 Yes, we are having a spell of below average temps but that will end soon and summer norms will be be upon us as we enter August, that noble month. Won't be too long before the northers become more frequent and more noticeable. I'm ready for that. 

Once again, I must thank Mr. Google for the improved blogger interface. Much smoother and more efficient. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still Cool In The Morning!

 I took advantage of those nice temps to get some work done. Tomorrow morning I will probably do the same. Things are shaping up nicely.

Step by step...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Cool This Morning

 It was nice and cool this morning and we did finally get some rain but now it is swampy. Very humid! And more rain is not likely. Heating up again. But it was a nice break. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Still No Rain

 At least our high temperatures are back to seasonal norms. Nothing extreme there but the rain chances diminish. Darn. I watered everything yesterday. 

It is quicker and easier to add images to the blog, than it used to be. Once again, thank you Mr. Google. The improvement is encouraging, and leads me to hope that Mr. Google will not trash the blogger feature any time soon. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

No Rain Yet

 Maybe this weekend. I hope so. At least it isn't as hot. Mosquitoes are still really ravenous.