On the warm side yesterday and mostly sunny, but cool and cloudy this morning. Weird weather oscillations from day to day. Some areas got rain, and even severe weather just east of us. Maybe more of the same today but not so warm. I keep forgetting to mention some products I remember from the past, advertised on black and white CRT displays maybe 21 inches on the diagonal if you had an expensive model TV-- crappy sound quality and blurry pictures in those days. How about OJ's Beauty Lotion? KING BOMBAR Bath Oil Beads! BABO, "the foaming cleanser", and Carter's Little Liver Pills? How about FIZZIES, which were flavored Alka-Seltzer tablets for kids to drop into tap water and drink? Bosco chocolate syrup? Ah, those were the days.
I have not seen Twenty Mule Team Borox, or Boraxo hand cleaner in a while but I haven't looked for it either.