It's warming too slowly for my taste and the clouds are still hanging around. We actually had a bit of sleet last evening. I would be very happy for a winter of above average temperatures here, and more rain, but not sleet, not snow, and no ice.
DST came to an end not long ago, but it meant nothing much to me, since I ignored it. Reset one wall clock and the dashboard clock. My Casio G-Shock Solar Atomic digital got its time signal from the NBS and reset automatically. I got that watch on eBay several years ago, actually about ten years ago. I think I paid about $40 for it and that was the high bid. I have no need to observe the DST nonsense and I have no need to be a snob, in the ordinary sense. I guess I'm a little snobbish about being smarter than 99% of the human race, based on all the tests I've taken over the years. But I never show off. I kind of like to come off as more or less ordinary. But I'm not, and that's a fact. My wife and I were in the same league.