Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Next Ten Days

 The next ten days look to be a bit colder than average, but dry and mostly sunny. It could be so much worse. It could always be so much worse. But whatever happens, it's going to be temporary. 

There might be a rough patch, weather-wise, just before Christmas. But the darn forecasts are always changing. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Not Quite Freezing

 So far this is not at all approaching the worst December I've experienced. Getting through January and February is always the challenge. 

The current winter storm has not edged far enough south to have much impact on this area-- so far. Yes, so far...

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sunshine Today

 It'll be getting colder, but nothing extreme in the current forecast and no precipitation. No snow or ice in the forecast for the next seven to ten days. That's OK with me. I hate snow. I hate ice even more. 

It's good to be largely uninvolved and remote at this time in my life. If I could still have my wife with me, we would both be like that. I miss her a lot. I miss her every day. It's been five years. I have no interest at all in the stuff people talk about, like "moving on" and entering a "new life". I have a new life by default, and I keep it as much like the "old life" as possible. That's as far as I go. End of story. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Sunshine Yesterday

 Today, like yesterday, begins with fog but it is not at all cold. I keep farmer's hours, by the way. That works well for me and it is really a matter of necessity. So many animals! It is cloudy this morning but I realize that those clouds hold in the day's "heat" and the blanket effect keeps us mild in the morning. It is 54 F this morning, and that is not bad for this date. I have not checked the forecast for today. I believe the winter storm in the West will have little effect upon us. Let it be so. 

Storms of any kind are things I can do without!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Maybe Not Cloudy Today

 We finally got some sunshine in the late afternoon. Better than nothing. 

On the other hand, we are having dense fog this morning. How many good days, are there, really? Not many. Few and far between are any good days.