I didn't take as many pics as I could have. I don't think it's safe to linger very long in these locations. Too many trigger happy assholes, for one thing.
Details are interesting, but almost never noted.
All too often the "big picture" is a vacuous generality. Boring.
That's it for this series. Something else next time.
But I do have new pics in the pipeline.
I've located some more wrecked/junked cars, too.
There's another old, commercial, alley I want to look, as well.
I'll finish this next time.
And it occurs to me that Don the Con's mouth, spewing lies and toxic fantasy in every direction, really is as dangerous as Hannibal Lecter's!
I'll need to take some more photos pretty soon. Visited a local ag type store this morning for animal feed and I was the only one wearing a mask. I felt sorry for the employees. I did not feel sorry for the rednecks. If they had children, I felt sorry for their children. I felt really sorry for the children at Jonestown. Not so much for the adults. Crazy times. Sick, sad, crazy.
Deserted places like this alley have a lot of appeal right now. Some more of these to post before I run out. Then I'll need to find another place free of human contagion.
Amazing things, right here in Lubbock, right here in the United States Of Jonestown! Yes! And you thought you lived in America. Well, it WAS America, but now it is Jonestown. Slurp up the poison. The DON commands it! And you dare not disobey.
At least this alley was probably a safe place to be. At least, there was nobody around me proclaiming that THE DON is God upon Earth, to be obeyed and followed and believed, without question, at all times! People like that are extremely dangerous. Once you've joined a cult, and let your brain get eaten, you're a human ticking time bomb. No telling what crazy shit you're likely to get up to.
Frankly, your God on Earth belongs in a straight jacket. In a high security ward for the criminally insane. Contained and restrained, like Hannibal Lecter. More of this nice, safe, sane, alley next time.
What is it that is so special about places like this!
Could it be-- this is where you find the utilities and infrastructure, such as these things are?
I do know, that in these alleys you find a lot of garbage. Plastic bags seem to be everywhere. I'm not finished with this particular alley.