Sunday, July 7, 2019

Texas Sunflowers In A Texas Garden

That's what I've got here, and that's what I will be posting for quite some time.

It saves me from having to go anywhere farther than my own backyard. Very convenient. 

MANY more to go.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Out Of Ruins, Only Garden

Yep, nothing but garden left, and I've got a lot of that.

This garden is more of a jungle than ever. I like that.

I don't have to travel anywhere to get these pics, and that helps.

Got a lot more of this stuff. This weekend I'll get some more views of Lubbock, to intersperse with the garden stuff. A little variety.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Those Ruins And That Garden

But I'm going to use up the ruins this time, and then nothing left but garden. Is this a holiday? If so, I think I'll just ignore it.
 We could let these photos commemorate the holiday.

Gotta find some more ruins...
Meanwhile, the garden changes every day.

I'll just continue this next time.

Monday, July 1, 2019

More Garden, More Ruins

But I've got a lot more garden than ruins.

Thing is, the ruins change only very slowly but the garden is changing every day.

So, some of those ruins...

Not much ruins left, but a whole lot of garden.