Thursday, May 12, 2016

Back To Lubbock!

Here in Lubbock, we photograph what no one else will.

This stuff is strewn over a large area near I-27, right across from the airport.

There is absolutely nothing there to keep anyone from entering, but it is probably not wise to go in very deep or stay very long. I suspect that the ground is contaminated.
 And then we found a house that has burned.

 Very unfortunate!

 A long time ago I lived in this little house. It was in much better repair in those days. It's sad to see it in this shape. This was long before the little house craze. This is about as small as I'd every want to get.

 We finish with random views from various residential areas on the "wrong" side of University.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Winding Down Plainview

We are about to have Plainview in our rear view mirror. A few more views of Plainview, and then we will be returning to Lubbock, with a stop along the way to view another repository of junk, and this one might actually be toxic. 

This is just another abandoned building in Plainview.

There is an old American Legion Hall, in a state of decay. What happened to those American legions, those world conquerors?

This is one place where they seem to live no more. All gone. And this ruin is all that is left. In Plainview, north of Lubbock.

Goodbye, Plainview. We might return to do the 4th of July there, as we did last year. I'll be there with my camera, and maybe we will meet the time traveler again, the strange fellow with the big camera who followed us around, trying but largely failing to make some kind of coherent conversation.

If I sometimes appear to be only semi-literate and not particularly grammatical, remember: I graduated from Texas Tech.


Friday, May 6, 2016

More Of Plainview, Texas

But we are only focusing on a few things.

These are the few things we found interesting, in a visual sense.

What this building was, and when it was whatever it was, once, we don't know.

It's a mystery. It's the sort of place I'd like to roam around in, camera at the ready. But there was no way to get into this thing and it would probably have gotten both of us arrested if I'd found an entry.

Note the tall doors! What passed through those doors, eh? Eh? What secrets are hidden here? We'll probably never know. And maybe that is just as well. Maybe, if we knew those secrets, we would never again experience a peaceful night's sleep. Yes, better not to know...

We are still not done with-- PLAINVIEW!