Monday, January 18, 2016

Lubbock Downtown, Random Lubbock

When we finish this series of Lubbock downtown, we will go to shots of Lubbock pretty much at random.

 In my opinion, I never make a mistake when I take pictures. Above, you see a happy accident.
Is there a BOB ROSS school of photography? If so, I belong to it.

 Now we are into random Lubbock.

 I'm not sure I could tell you anymore, where exactly we were.

Somewhere in Lubbock.

Debris and detritus, in the wake of a dead business.

Gone under and plundered. Not plundered by us. We just documented the ruin. For posterity.

I offer such images as counterpoint to chamber of commerce propaganda.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Continuing Lubbock

By the way, Lubbock is dependent on a pipeline or aquaduct for most of its water, one from the southeast and one from the north. The northern pipeline has been springing leaks and has been down for quite a while. Reservoirs continue to drop. The other pipeline can't begin to meet our water needs if used solely. A few more leaks to repair and this city will be hurting, as well as other, smaller towns and cities using the same supply.

Lubbock has already far outgrown its water supply, even in the best of circumstances. And it just keeps growing. Not smart, in the long run. But nobody thinks more than a year or two ahead around here. There will be consequences.

But every major city in the world is really facing the same water crisis in the future. So enjoy my pics of ruined and abandoned things and consider them a preview.

Besides, ruins are funky.

Well, that's all for now...