Sunday, September 27, 2015

Continuing Anton

Not many bright spots here.

Purple and Yellow are the high school football team colors. Friday night lights must be major; it must be what most of the folks here live for.

The Anton Bulldogs are Purple and Yellow. Go. Fight. Win.

Of course, Anton has a number of churches, representing most major denominations. So, I guess there are lots of church activities. High school kids love church activities-- luncheons, socials, and the like. Especially when there are lots of older people around. Actually, probably not...



Thursday, September 24, 2015

Continuing Anton

There really did not seem to be much of anything to do in Anton. We wondered how the high school kids coped with so much sensory deprivation.

For that matter, how do the young, single, adults avoid going bonkers? Or maybe they don't.

Surely, some very interesting things go on, behind closed doors...

What HAPPENED to Anton??

It sure looks dead. 


Monday, September 21, 2015

More Of Anton

You might ordinarily think of "downtown" as the jewel of a city-- the nerve center, the place where the best things can be found. That's not true of Anton, and it isn't even true of Lubbock. Today it seems that "downtown" is where the rot is, probably in more than one sense.

But in cities like Lubbock, cities of some size, there are places to go and things to do all over, and "downtown" is mostly irrelevant, but in a small town like Anton that is not true. 

There's not much of anything as far as we could tell. One thing that struck us as poignant: dilapidated benches scattered in front of closed and abandoned buildings, and little pots of artificial flowers here and there. Pitiful efforts at "beautification", one supposes. 

Sit among the ruins, enjoy the scent of plastic flowers, and contemplate the transience and fragility of human endeavor. Have fun.

ANTON! What are you offering? What do you have to induce someone, anyone, to live there??