We'll finish Ropes today. It seems that Ropesville might have seen better days but I don't know when. I guess I could mention that Ropes also has no barber shop? The list of what Ropes does not have is a long one. UPDATE! Conditions in Ropesville have probably improved since we visited. I believe they've got some kind of large convenience story with gas pumps and prepared food now, and there are some housing developments, I believe. At any rate, I'll never visit this town again, although not long ago I drove through it while on the way to Brownfield. I didn't stop in Ropes but I noted that it seemed to have improved.
If I lived in Ropes my top priority would be to move away from Ropes, to a town that had, at the very least, a gas station and a supermarket.
That was Ropes and my wife and I truly feel sorry for anyone who has to live there.
If I lived in Ropes my top priority would be to move away from Ropes, to a town that had, at the very least, a gas station and a supermarket.
That was Ropes and my wife and I truly feel sorry for anyone who has to live there.