Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Local Lubbock Christmas Color

Before I continue with the latest Lubbock (and area) picture sequence, I want to post some pics I took at Holland Gardens. This is a local home and garden center that's been around for ages. They have a MAJOR Christmas operation. Their store displays are elaborate and attract many visitors and shoppers. Everything you see is for sale. This is for the select few who have the time and money to go over the top in seasonal decorations. These photos are just small samples, taken with my cellphone:


Saturday, December 7, 2013

More Old Pics, Lubbock, Abernathy, Levelland

Bitterly cold this morning! -1 windchill (F). Below freezing all day! We are glad we got to go out yesterday. Today we might not want to go anywhere or do anything except stay warm...

There will be more later.

Friday, December 6, 2013

PIcs In, And Around, Lubbock, Abernathy, Levelland

Yesterday it was so cold and icy we went nowhere. We did work on Christmas cards and did laundry. We wondered how we would avoid going stir crazy today, but the clouds vanished and the bright sun melted the ice. We were able to run errands and get to the gym. It is still very cold, and will be in the single digits in the morning, but maybe the ice is gone for a while.

I'm posting a series of pics taken in the past. 

There will be more of these.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Processed Sunset In Tech Terrace Park

But I took a few of those cellphone pics and did some adjustment. Looks OK, I guess.


Sunset In Tech Terrace Park

My wife and I took a walk in Tech Terrace Park, at sunset. I used my cellphone to take these pictures. I did not "process" them in any way. This is what we saw. Nice!