Saturday, March 12, 2016

We Are Going To Spur!

We're all going to Spur! AGH! But not in a handbucket. And Spur is nothing to fear. Spur features small houses, and that is why we went there, not abandoning all hope, but in search of small houses. We found a small house, alright, and kind of got our eyes opened. I'll explain that when we come it it, and also explain why I have no pictures of small houses. But first, let's look at a full moon over Lubbock.

It was cloudy, so this is the moon seen through rapidly shifting clouds. 

We left just before lunch on a Saturday and by the time we got to Spur we were hungry. We found a small Mom and Pop type diner-- I think it was called the Drive-By, and we had excellent tacos there, at a very low price. The layout was interesting, in that one entrance took you to a smoking side, and another entrance down the street took you to the non-smoking side. And a middle entrance took you to the restroom. We found things to photograph near the diner. That's what you see above. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I Have Many New Pics!

Yes, I have lots of new pics. I merely need to find the time to process them all, and resize them, and then get on with the process of posting them. We found new things to photograph in Spur, and we did a travel log of East 4th Street, out to Acuff and the Acuff Steakhouse! We got pics going and coming!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Let Us Finish That Tour Of Lubbock

We began our tour, our actual picture-taking journey, before the snow fell late last year! I think. One day flows into another for us and we like it like that. We like routine and we are pleased to have no urgent or time-sensitive events in our lives. In our past lives we have been rushed and hurried and on tight schedules and have multi-tasked (ugh). Never again. Enough. No more of that! So all I know is that I started this sometime in the past, who knows when, exactly. I don't CARE when, exactly. I don't HAVE to care.

AHHHHH! Don't talk to us about schedules. We don't do schedules.

What a miracle! You can go here! You can go there! Crisscrossing overpasses! Ages and ages of human toil have certainly all been worth it!

Green means stop, red means go, or something like that. In Lubbock there are differences of opinion on this issue. 

And now we are done. We need to take some more pictures.


Monday, February 22, 2016

We Continue To Ramble Around Lubbock

If you were here, you could see these things too! Then again, you might not want to-- be here or see any of this.

But I make it easy, with this blog.

The stuff we feature here is the ordinary stuff never gets any attention, most of the time.

But it is all Lubbock.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Continuing our tour of Lubbock..

... using a route familiar to us. In the future we will take a different route and feature other parts of town.

As I post these pics, early primary voting is taking place in Lubbock. I expect Ted Cruz to do very well on the Republican side-- that sort of malignant, self-righteous, prick would have huge appeal among local conservatives. And Lubbock is very, very, conservative. Why, candidates for local offices brag about their low IQ's and their absolute ignorance of science, math, and history. "Why, I'm so dumb, I kin barely locate my ass with both hands-- you need to vote for ME!" And so on. Election season makes me want to puke. The most craven vipers on the planet vie with each other to lead the ignorant and lazy to war and ruin, for the benefit of a ruthless and greedy minority. The process is riddled with fraud and deceit. Corruption is rampant. Welcome to Amerika. For that matter, welcome to the human race. Whoops. I need to be more positive. Let's delight in the beauties of Lubbock, Texas!

On the other hand, if you are the sort of person who likes a good freak show, election season in the USA is the sort of spectacle you would find amusing.