Monday, March 21, 2016

Spur, Texas

We continue our exagimination of this town. No revolutionary small houses yet. We are in the business district. Or, it might have been that, once.

Every time we visit this place, we wonder, what HAPPENED to Spur? Or, what FAILED to happen to Spur?

We were hoping that the big small house revolution might transform the town.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Still In Spur, Texas

We are still looking for new little houses, as opposed to old little houses that are falling apart, and documenting various buildings in the main business district.

This old house seems to be past its prime.

Spur appears a little more dilapidated every time we visit...

We always wonder what it would take to put some more life into Spur. A small house revolution?


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spur, Texas-- In Quest Of Small Houses

I could not help but wonder, while we were in Spur, of how different nationalities might pronounce the name. Spoy, maybe, or Schput, or Spar, or Spew, or Spoot, or Spah, or Spoor, or... the possibilities are endless.

A simple Vulgarian might say, "Yop, to bin Spoy I haf!!"

 This kind of small house is too common in Spur, and not what we were looking for at all.
 In fact, it is too big!
 Too big for the small house revolution!
This one has a sun roof and furnishings, but it has nothing to do with the modern small house revolution.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spur, Texas, Is Where We Are

Spur had a hotel, once. That's hard to imagine, today.

We have no idea what this old ruin was, once-- what purpose it served.

Did someone LIVE here, once? Whose clothes are those? Who slept/sleeps, on that ratbag of a mattress?


Monday, March 14, 2016

More Spur, Texas

We are still looking at things I found within easy walking distance of the little diner. Remember, Spur's current claim to fame is that it claims to be at or near the center of the small house revolution in America. Wow. I'll have something to say about that later. We searched and searched for small houses. We thought there would be a tract of them. We thought the little dickens (but wait, Dickens is another town) would be all over. No. Not exactly. 

We think it is safe to say that Spur is in need of some repair.