Tomorrow will be our last chance at snow from this "event" and if we get any it isn't likely to be over an inch, if any at all. Not extremely cold at night but the darned cloud cover keeps us below freezing much of the day. I'd like to see that change soon. Has it been worse? Oh yes, it has been much worse. I really detest that polar vortex garbage, the cliched bomb cyclone drek, and the rest of that winter crap. By this time, more daylight is evident. More time in the sun if the clouds would ever clear.
I'm filling bird feeders two to three times per day. By the way, I was delighted to learn that vasectomies and tubal ligations are way up, in the wake of anti-abortion fanaticism. Way to go! Those procedures should be offered free of charge in every state with restrictive abortion laws. Let's have more and better and cheaper and more widely available contraception. Fuck paternalism, fuck male dominance. Fuck "gods" with male genitalia. Piss on the Big Three.